Shop Ayurveda by QoLIFY

Ayurveda & QoLIFY

Made to Feel

Ayurveda means the “Science of Life” in Sanskrit. It originated over 5000 years ago and was preserved from one generation to the other in oral tradition and was put in to written form in ancient scripts called “Veda”. It is a traditional healing system that respects the human individuality; each person’s health is made up of the harmonious interaction of the body, mind and the living environment, when there are imbalances in any of these areas, the person feels unwell.

Our supply of Ayurveda Oils are ethically sourced directly from Sri Lanka, made with ingredients native to the region.

QoLIFY is a proud partner of the NovaCombian Research Institute
20% of all proceeds are allocated to continuing research of connective tissue issues and outreach to communities affected by these conditions.

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